Monday, November 28, 2016

My Last Week: 18 Months, 4 Secteurs, 11 Companions, and 1 Big Testimony!

November 28, 2016
Cher tous,
This week was even more AWESOME than last week and the week before that and the week before that!

Juste vite fait: HAPPY late THANKSGIVING!! I'm so thankful for this gospel, this experience, our Savior Jesus Christ and His atonement, for the sun that shines (even though it's hot), and the rain that falls, for the humidity, for the many stars I see at night, for the Livre de Mormon, for this mission, for my friends and famille, for those I have met and taught and watched and changed, for the gift of tongues, for my loving Heavenly Father. I could go on and on, but my gratitude for this life is eternal!
So I've thought a good bit about what I wanted to write today. And I've realized that nothing I say will really fully explain ni express my real feelings about my life on the mission.
Let me start off by saying that 18 months flies by in a heartbeat, and that I was blessed in being forced to change in ways I never thought I needed. I've learned that stress is a choice, patience is a BIG virtue, and charity should be an everyday action. I've learned that it's always better to love others as who they are instead of judging them for not being lie us or doing what we do. We never know what someone has been through in their life to become how they are; we must simpy look at them through the eyes of our Heavenly Father and feel of His love for them.
We witness miracles, hardships, heartbreak, become more in tune with the Spirit, and increase our testimony of His gospel and blessings that He promises us.
I honestly could go on and on about the blessings and changes I've seen on my mission, and of course bore some people to death, but in all in all words cannot describe a mission. It just can't. J'arrive pas a croire tous ce que j'ai fait dans ma vie. J'arrive pas a croire que c'est presque finit.

"Men and women who turn their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends, and pour out peace." -President Ezra Taft Benson
I love this gospel more than anything! There are no regrets with the choice that I made ni the work that I did. THIS CHURCH IS TRUE!!! #blessed

Ua here au ia outou. E mea parau mau i te ekalesia a Iesu Mesia i te feia mo'a i te mau mahana hopa nei!
Je vous aime! L'eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des derniers jours est vraie!
I love y'all! The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-Day saints is true!

signing off,
Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)
p.s. today is my last email, because next monday I will be chez President
p.s.s. For those who want to know my finish date is 5 Decembre and I reach home the 6 Decembre. For more information on my flight information y'all can contact my mom :)
p.s.s. See y'all in the #205 et #801

peace n' blessin's

District d'oof 

My companion is truly the best, French, and a lot shorter than me lol

A temple of the temple will never get old

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 21, 2016 - Another Great Week & Driving Without Brakes - Protection Personified!

Salut everyone!
This week was AMAZING!
First of all..."let me take a selfie" je rigole.
But seriously I gotta start from the beginning.
Monday was super great, even though we sacrificed most of our pday to have anoher conseil des dirigeants chez President. It was all worth it, because we had Elder Cardon, a 70 who helps oversee the missionary work in the south Pacific region. Him and his wife came, and boy o' boy are they some of the nicest people ever!
Elder Cardon is such a sweet and humble man. The first thing he said when he stood up to give his formation was "I'm sorry that I don't speak French. I pray that some day I will so that I can get to know you all personally." He then had all the Francophones who still didn't understand English sit on the front couches together while 2 elders sat behind them and translated everything he said during the entire meeting.
Tuesday we had our Conference Multi-Zone with the zones of Punaauia, Paea (us), Papeari, and Taravao. And again Elder Cardon was super amazing and puissant. He talked about eternal famillies and the goal that we should have on the mission to teach families, because FAMILIES can be FOREVER! He said "you don't just see an individual but a famille, with decendants, and sons and daughters of God."
"Everything in this world will try to convince you that this GOSPEL isn't real...learn to listen and understand that voice of the spirit." - Elder Cardon
At the end of the Conference we left to drop off other missionaries. Upon driving I noticed that the brakes on our car were weak. We went back to the chapelle where President and Elder Cardon were still and had President drive our car. President gets done and says "you don't have any brakes...the garage is already closed, so il faut que you drive carefully home and then to a garage the next day to check them out." Elder Cardon gets out of the car and drills President with questions to find out if the car was safe enough to drive home (30 minutes the opposite direction in rush hour traffic). We get home just fine...probably made many people mad along the way for driving super under the speed limit but hey "better safe than sorry."
Wednesday, we headed out early to the other end of our zone where the only garage is located. We met the mechanic...super nice guy, named Vai, didn't believe in God...unil we came along haha. He lifts up the hood, looks at our brake fluid, cusses a lot and starts to laugh.
"Soeur ma...y'all are lucky to be alive right now."
"Really? Why is that?"....because (keep in mind) literally neither of us had any previous knowledge about cars let alone brake fluid, brakes assistants, ni brake pads.
"There's water in your brake fluid (apparently there shouldn't be), and your brake pads suck." ...oooh.
He then goes on to tell us that afer he saw our car that his belief in God fortified. According to Vai we shouldnt be alive, but with that being said it goes to show that we had the Lord looking out for us and protecting us :).
One of our lecons for this week was with Jean-Michel. A fairly new amis de l'eglise. NOTE: He was the one that called us a few weeks ago to tell us that he was to high to drive home for his lecon. Well good news...he was "all there" and we started teaching the Plan of Salvation! Y'all that lecon was AMAZING! The spirit was super strong to help us testify to J-M that God has a plan for ALL of us to return to Him again. I was super grateful for the gift of tongues that day. And super grateful for the spirit qui etait la. J-M even said that what we said really touched him and that though it's gonna be super super hard to stop smoking weed that he's gonna try anyway. AND that he felt "a weird kinda peace fill his body," haha IT WAS THE SPIRIT!!! HE FELT THE SPIRIT!!
So yea...that lecon was super top and though it may seem unlikely des fois to us J-M is slowly developing the desire to change and become better!!! Woohoo!!!
Je vous aime beaucoup! Prennez-soin de vous-memes!
-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)
p.s. Vai told us that he wants to take the missionary lecons now!! Woohoo x2!

p.p.s. Jean-Michel came to the Saturday evening session of Conference de Pieu (Stake Conference) and he got there early. When we found him he was wearing a t-shirt that said "Lost..." hahahahaha AND Jean-Michel didn't smoke the ENTIRE day Saturday so that he could come to conference!

November 14, 2016 - AWESOME Week!

November 14, 2016
Chers tous,
This week was AWESOME! I honestly don't really remember what all happened and when, because everything is starting to blur together.
I don't have much time today. This week starts the Pacific island tour of the 70 regional presidency, so tonight we get to hang with the one and only Elder Cadron and his wife for a soiree familial chez President Bize himself. I'm pretty sure it'll be pretty awesome and pretty sure that it'll be in English lol. I'm just super pumped for this week, because we have so much stuff going on!

We did, however, do splits with Taravao 1 et 2. It was soooooo great, and I had the amazing pleasure to return to my beloved Taravao 1 and work with Soeur Jimmy (she's from Vanauatu) for the day.
I was able to reunite with membres, amis, and convertis! Y' was such a great day! When I left Taravao that night I cried...again.
So Soeur Domenech and I were barely together until the end of the week.
This past week we taught one of our amis, Raina. She still has trouble believing in God, but the last lecon we had with her was super puissant! This spirit was so strong, and we could definitely tell she was feeling something. We simply explained that He is all powerful, and that He loves her. In a nutshell...that's what we talked about. But if only I took a picture of her face while we were teaching. She was so zoned in, and her eyes lit up so many times when we mentioned the Savior, His love, atoning sacrifice, and the hardship that our Heavenly Father had to go through to sacrifice His son. Even though there is still a ways to go in helping Raina believe in God it'll all be worth it in the end, and the love of the gospel and the spirit will just flood her heart #tissuesready.
So a lot of people have told me this past week...Soeur Morrill tu termin bientot. Comment tu te sens? (Soeur Morrill you finish soon. How do you feel?) my honest answer? I don't know. The time that I have left here may seem a long time for those in school or at work, but for a missionary it flies by. Last week I said that I wanted to make the most out of what time I still have left, and that is still true. Having so little time left has made me more motivated to work harder to help my companion and the secteur that I will leave behind.
This church is SO TRUE! And I love it more every day of my life.
Ua here au ia outou roa et mea faahiahia roa ia outou!

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7, 2016

Hey y'all!

I hope everyone is doing great! This week was faaaaantabulous, and I was able to do a big self evaluation about my mission and establish what I still want to accomplish with the weeks that I have left.

This past Thursday we had conseil des dirigeants with Président Bize and the other leaders of the mission. We focused a lot on obedience and numbers. And with the year soon coming to an end it has stressed a lot of us out. 

Des fois we focused too much on achieving a numerical goal than inviting others to come unto Christ (worldwide mission objective), and looking back I realized that achieving that numbers goal never really brought happiness on the mission. My comp and I really saw that we were the happiest when we forgot about numbers, lost ourselves in the work, and lived and breathed off of the joy and happiness of helping the people we teach. And while focusing on those feelings of happiness, we saw that we would also achieve our weekly goals without even knowing it!

We focused our formation in our réunion de zone the other day on the feelings of joy we feel after a hard days work...even if the numbers that day don't show it. So y' and breath the happiness of this work and let those feelings motivate others to COME UNTO CHRIST!!  Woohoooo!!!

Other than that:
- we had a super fun movie night with our ward. We watched Other Side of Heaven, ate pizza and other foods that made us gain more weight :')

- Yesterday one of our amis called us from Papeete to tell us that he was too high to drive back home to Papra (40 minute drive) for his leçon #weedalldayerday

This work is AWESOME everyone! I hope y'all have the opportunity to grow your testimonies of Heavenly Father's love for us and Christ's restored gospel! Cool! yea that's it everyone! Haha passez une bonne semaine tout le monde! Je vous aime!

-Sœur/ Tuahine Morrill :)

Thursday, November 3, 2016

October 31, 2016

Chers tous,
So this week again was SUPER DUPER great! AND nothing really happened this week!
Just to cut to the chase of everything:
- First of all HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Everyone is cleaning and decorating graves/tombes of all the dead in the local cemetary here.

- Nephi got baptized and it was super great! He got up to bare his testimony apres and was so nervous but you could totally feel the spirit as he spoke!
- We exploded our kilometrage that we had for this month because #transfers
- Assistants called out all the missionaries because we don't "pay attention" to the kilometrage of our cars.
- I helped feed a newly born kitten who was abandoned by its died later on that day
- we taught an amis that is addicted to almost every illegal substance there is

- And I got my flight plans.
That's it. So as y'all can see....I didn't really have a super eventful week, but the stuff that we were able to do was super great!
Je vous aime beaucoup!
-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

1. Good ole Elder Ruff (from my MTC promo got to baptize Nephi)

2. throwin' up signs??

October 23, 2016

Chers tous,
I hope y'all and your pets are doing great! So before I decide to go on an email rampage I will have you know that I was barely in my secteur this week....again.
- Drove over 500 kilometers in 2 days on the same road (Tahiti is only so big you guys).
- Taught a super great English class, and had a Française try and correct me on how to speak English
- Didn't get home till 10h30 one night because of transfers #quelechec
- Helped President transport multiple 10 gallon water jugs to another soeurs' home because water isn't clean on the presqu'île
- Talked to a lady that is named after the famous beer of Tahiti (Hinano)
- Drank 2 chocolate frappés from Macdo
- A cockroach jumped onto my back and then onto my leg one night chez une lie I almost lost it #hatethem
- Had Nephi's entretien de baptême and afterwards he made us and the elders hamburgers :)
- Had one of the assistants chew me out, because we had to do an emergency exchange, and I didn't prevenir them in advance #sorry
But after all of that went down, Soeur Tidjine and I met a reference that the DZs of Punaauia gave us. His name is Jean-Michel and is super cool. He met the elders after he had been in his 4th scooter accident, and he told us that he forced himself to be nice to the missionaries, but grace a leur great attitude porte par l'esprit he accepted the lecons and we met him sunday. We walk in and he is walking wih a limp with a big bandage on his forehead with a mesh cap to keep it in place. He sits down and Sr Tidjine and I introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about the church. He comes to have a lot of questions about LIFE in general. He asked us "why did God let me live after my 4th accident? Why does he want me to keep suffering?" His question made me super sad actually. This is a man who has a lot of questions, but can't find the answers. He's down hearted and doesn't see the worth in living anymore if he thinks that Heavenly Father is keeping him on this earth to just suffer.
Y'all...we all have a purpose on this earth, and Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. Yes, it may take a while for us to finally answer "why am I really here?" but when we do we can all experience a love that is indescribable and attainable by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the end Jean-Michel hesitantly accepted to see us again next week, but I could see in his eyes a sliiiiight glimmer of hope! Wooohoo!!!
Je vous aime!

Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

October 17, 2016

Heeeeey you guys!!!
So this week was fantastic!
We had to do a lot of ballads...again out of our zone so we were rarely in the secteur, but we had some pretty sweet miracles:
- Cathy said that she LOVED the chapelle and was super touched by every thing that was said!
- We met an old amis named Louise who said that she's been waiting for the missionaries to come by again. She didn't have our number, so all she had to do was wait and pray!
Au lieu de ça we got TRANSFER CALLS! AND I'm staying in Temarua! Which means that I'm "dying" (finishing my mission) here! I'm absolutely PUMPED that I'm staying in this secteur! I love my amis, the members, and the secteur en general! ....but....Soeur Tidjine is getting transferred, something that was super hard for both of us to accept, but she's going to my old secteur of Nuuroa so I'm pretty excited for her!
Yesterday after notre chapelle we got the ok from assistants to head to another zone (Faaa) for their conference de pieu (stake conference)! One of my converti recents received the Pretrise Melchizadek (the second order of priesthood) and asked if I could come and be there with him and his famille. After the meeting we filed into a small room. I took a seat with his wife and his two children. We watched as men of the stake placed their hands upon his head and set him apart and gave him the priesthood.
Though the room was quiet, I could feel the Spirit of the Lord in the room. A feeling of love and peace washed over me. I started to cry as they blessed Irving, for I knew that he was now able to bless his famille with this power that Heavenly Father has entrusted him with. I couldn't have been more grateful for that opportunity.
The famille AMARU is a famille Soeur Lasso and I met when we were in Taravao together (Novembrer 2015-April  2016). The couple was not married and had been living in concubinage for over 15 years. Their kids are ones I absolutely ADORE, and we taught them for a good few months. A week after I was emergency transferred out of Taravao I got a call from Soeur Lasso telling me that Line and Irving want to get married and baptized along with their daughter Heimiti! I watched this famille become united. I watched them enter into the waters of baptism and come out completely clean of all they have done before. I can see the light on their faces, the happiness, the JOY of this gospel that has filled all of their hearts and their home. And now I am a witness of the amazing power of the priesthood that has been given to the father of the famille. He finally has the power to bless his famille!!
I'm so grateful for the priesthood, for it is the power of God that he bestows upon worthy men of the Church to bless others! Y''s seriously one of the greatest things that our Heavenly Father has given us today!!
Apart from that this week was great!
I love you all so much! Je vous aime beaucoup! Ua here au ia outou!
Passez une très bonne semaine! Bisoux à vous tous!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

October 10, 2016

Chers tous,
So this week was super great!
Miracle 1: Nephi didn't smoke at all this week! He's also taking his scriptures to work every day this week! 
Miracle 2: The members in our paroisse pulled food together to help feed one of our amis and her famille for a week (they gave way more than what was needed #charity)
Miracle 3: Cathy came to church and brought her two little girls too!
We were rarely in our secteur this week because we had to play taxi drive for other sisters in the mission, but I love roadtripping so I couldn't complain :)
This past thursday we were chez President Bize again for Conseil des Dirigeants. He gave a super great formation that I wanna share with y'all. He told us quelque experiences he lived when he met an Apostle and Prophet of the church during his teenage years. He is a convert to the church, and at that time he met the Prophet, President Spencer W. Kimball. Later on he was able to translate for Elder Gordon B. Hinckley when he came to visit France, who would later become one of our Prophets too.
President told us "There are no secrets in the church. They tell us all, and our leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ are just as we hoped they would be: kind, loving, forgiving, charitable, humble, service oriented, and they crack jokes just like us. ...Now how can we become like the Apostles of the Lord?"
As missionaries we desire to have simply one simple thing on our mission, and it's not baptisms. We seek to have the Spirit with us.
Alma 13: 28-29
28 But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and watch and pray continually, that ye may not be tempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be led by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, meek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;
29 Having faith on the Lord; having a hope that ye shall receive eternal life; having the love of God always in your hearts, that ye may be lifted up at the last day and enter into his rest.
The Spirit is the only thing that can help us touch the hearts of those we teach. People say that contention brings a bad spirit. No. It doesn't bring an evil spirit it just chases The Spirit away. We can't help others feel the JOY of the gospel when we don't have the Spirit with us.
Surtout we can't resolve situations between family, friends, and loved ones by not conversing. We just build contention between one another which keeps the Spirit even farther away.
We can't become like Christ or His Apostles like that. It's impossible. We NEED the Spirit with us to teach, testify, and resolve.
I remember many days where I was just annoyed and had no motivation to work. I still have those days. We ALL have those days. And I knew and could feel that I didn't have the Spirit with me. I knew I couldn't go out that day and help my companion feel of that JOY. I knew that prayer was the only thing that could help me. I remember specifically one day my companion and I were getting ready to leave. Before we leave the house we always prayed. As I sat on my bike with my hands on my handle bars I prayed for our safety. I prayed for our amis, our members, and the other missionaries. I also prayed that He may accord us His Spirit, the happiness, and motivation to work that day. I needed to humble myself if I wanted Him to help my companion and I that day. After the prayer I remember perfectly as I was peddling I felt an overwhelming sense of happiness and peace wash over me. I finally had His Spirit, that happiness, and the motivation to work (because was hotter than blazes that day).
The Spirit is there to help us not just in our spiritual aspect of life but in every aspect. We literally cannot succeed without him. Y'all....he is your best friend during those times we feel so alone in a crowded room. We only need to follow the council that Alma gives us in chapter 13, and if we do we get a few steps closer to becoming like Christ and His Apostles.
So, the phrase "Forgive and Forget" literally does come from the Lord. He councils us that if we work at trying to become more like Him He will literally FORGIVE us of ALL we have done and FORGET ALL we have done. He literally promises us that.
Simplement if we wanna become like Christ and His Apostles we can "forgive and forget" too. We wanna be cool, calm, and collected like them, so why not?
Y'all President Bize's formation was ON POINT! And I just had to share it with y'all!
"Life is for laughing!" as Charly says in the film Charly. We can't afford to live our lives without the Spirit to help us. JOY brings the Spirit and the gospel of Jesus Christ is JOY.
Other than that this week was super!!
Je vous aime!! Ua here Te Atua ia outou!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

October 3, 2016

Chers tous,
Hey everyone!!
This week was great and HOT BUT it rained AGAIN...praise!
So last week was vacance for the schools,  so we were blessed to have a lot of youth and members work with us, but this week....the complete opposite. Nobody was able to work with us, but hey that's the mission and you just gotta "go with the flow" of things here (my motto). We still had a great time in the secteur, and took multiple breaks, because like I said earlier....oh so so hot!
Conférence Générale was this weekend, and holy moly let me tell y'all that it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G....comme d'ab. Throughout the week we made and handed out a ton of invites to the conference sessions at the pieu (stake center), because that was the only place they were showing it au lieu de chez eux that had internet then they could snuggle up in the confines of their home and be spiritually enriched there. BREF...we had a ton of fun handing out invitations throughout our secteur even though NOT A SINGLE SOUL CAME (except for one ami...Raina #blessed) Saturday ni Sunday.
This past week I've had multiple amis and membres ask me combien de temps reste pour toi en mission? (How much time do you have left on your mission?) ....I'll be completely honest that it kinda surprised me to say it outloud multiple times. Soeur Tidjine and I came out to Tahiti together and we both don't have a lot of time left. I can't believe that I only have 63 ish days left (according to mom :) ). Knowing how much little time I have left makes me even more motivated to keep working. I love this secteur and have grown close to so many people that it'll definitely be hard saying goodbye when it's time but....IT IS NOT YET TIME!!! Y'all I love this work and wouldn't trade anything for it!
So like I said earlier we were able to watch all sessions of Conference Generale and #blessed I was able to watch it all in English. Getting up at 4:30 those two mornings to make the 6:00 morning sessions were totally worth it! Comme d'ab I have enclosed ALL of my fave #ldsconf quotes. Enjoy:
- "The more adept I get in technology the more I take it for granted." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "...the veil has parted, shedding light from our celestial home on us today." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "Life changing truths are happening before our eyes, and before our fingertips." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "We are eternal beings without beginning and without end." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "The essence of who you and I are will never die but will last forever." -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "What shall we give in return for so much? (flood of light and truth)" -President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- "If I loved you more would you hurt less." -little boy
- "If we loved the Savior more would we suffer less?" -Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "We all seek to be converted." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "I lift thee and you lift me and we will all ascend eternally." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "As you grow your FAITH and CONFIDENCE will increase." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "When we raise our voices the spirit in the family or companionship leave BUT when we speak in LOVE he helps and guides us." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "'I just want to see my husband again and be with him.' ...'I am your husband.' ...'Oh good.'" - Elder Robert D. Hales' neighbour
- "Let us turn more towards forgiveness and love." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "He loves us with a PERFECT LOVE." - Elder Robert D. Hales (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Prayer is essential for developing FAITH." - Sister Carol F. McConkie (Counselor General Young Womens Presidency)
- "God needs brave sons." - Sister Carol F. McConkie (Counselor General Young Womens Presidency)
- "Eternal life can be ours." - Craig C. Christensen (Presidency of the 70)
- "He paid attention to my voice, but I didn't pay any attention to His." - Juan A. Uceda (Quorum of the 70)
- "When you pray the heavens open." - Juan A. Uceda (Quorum of the 70)
- "He believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "STOP comparing ourselves to others." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "Compare to how we were in the past to how we are or how we want to be in the future." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "All He expects of us is to try, but you really have to try." - Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley
- "You have NOT traveled beyond the reach of Divine LOVE." - Elder Jeffery R. Holland (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Rebellion will keep us OUT of HEAVEN." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "Rejecting life saving treatment can certainly lead to physical death and REJECTING Christ and His atonement can lead to our spiritual death." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "He wants us to come home." - J. Devn Cornish (Quorum of the 70)
- "The gathering of Israel is a's like a puzzle and it's million puzzle pieces." - Elder Neil L. Andersen (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Each of us are a puzzle piece and we will bring and help other puzzle pieces come into place." - Elder Neil L. Andersen (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Guilt awakens us to changes we need to make." - Elder Neil L. Andersen (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "The timing to someone's conversion is NOT necessarily up to you." - Elder Neil L. Andersen (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "To stumble spiritually is to fall into sin." - Elder Quentin L. Cook (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Sooner or later a sinner had to sit down to a banquet of consequences." - Elder Quentin L. Cook (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Avoid looking beyond the mark, but instead look towards Christ and His atonement." - Elder Quentin L. Cook (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Repentance is His gift to us; purchased at a very generous price." - Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Even though we are content with what we have today, our Heavenly Father still sees our divine and celestial potential." - Elder D. Todd Christofferson (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Don't pry at the plates; don't force the mysteries of God to be revealed." - W. Mark Bassett (Quorum of the 70)
- "Some things can only be learned by FAITH." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Be ambitious for Christ."  - Kazuhiko Yamashita (Quorum of the 70)
- "Missionary work is not just ONE of the 88 keys on a piano that is occasionally played, but is a chord played always in a beautiful piece." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Loose their tongues...more like loose their thumbs! Get on it youth." - Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "The streets of Rio are my mission field." -Taxi driver in Rio during the Olympics
- "Without Christ's atoning sacrifice all would be lost." -Prophet Thomas S. Monson
- "It is the one perfect plan to peace and happiness." - Prophet Thomas S. Monson
- "Life is filled with detours, trials, and dead ends....yet we are here to have JOY!" -Elder Russell M. Nelson (President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Saints can feel joy even in dark circumstances. " -Eliza Snow
- "We can look to Him, the author and finisher of our faith." - Elder Russell M. Nelson (President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "I have learned to suffer with JOY." - Elder Russell M. Nelson (President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "If we look to the world and follow its formulas for happiness, we will never experience true JOY." - Elder Russell M. Nelson (President of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "It is impossible for you to sink lower than could reach our Heavenly Father's eternal light." -Sister Linda S. Reeves (2nd Counsellor General Relief Society)
- "Things have a way of resolving themselves." -Elder M. Russell Ballard (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "We must never assume that something unexplainable by us is unexplainable." -Elder Neal A. Maxwell
- "Always remember the Savior is always on board...He will NEVER abandon anyone of us." - Elder M. Russell Ballard (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Ever since then, revelations and heavenly visits have bathed the earth." -Dean M. Davies (Consellor in presiding Bishopric)
- "The natural man or woman in each of us have the power and tendency to judge and condemn others unrighteously." -Lynn G. Robbins (Presidency of the 70)
- "To discipline the Lord's way is to lovingly teach and listen." - Lynn G. Robbins (Presidency of the 70)
- "To teach a heart rending lesson we must make a heart rending sacrifice." - Lynn G. Robbins (Presidency of the 70)
- "Kindness is the power the Lord has given us to unlock hard hearts and souls." - Lynn G. Robbins (Presidency of the 70)
- "To identify a child's true identity is a gift of foresight." - Lynn G. Robbins (Presidency of the 70)
- "The greatest feeling by far is the feeling of forgiveness we receive when partaking of the sacrament." -President Henry B. Eyring (1st Counsellor of the First Presidency)
- "GRATITUDE when I served as assistant to my wife in the nursery where my job was to hand out toys and pick them up." - President Henry B. Eyring (1st Counsellor of the First Presidency)
- "The kingdom is yours; the blessings and riches are yours." -President Henry B. Eyring (1st Counsellor of the First Presidency)
- "Do we only know about the Savior or are we continually searching to know Him?" -Elder David A. Bednar (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Our purposes will align with His purposes." - Elder David A. Bednar (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "We give away ALL of our sins to know Him." - Elder David A. Bednar (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "Each of us are a compound gear working together as leaders and auxilliares of the church." -Carol B. Cook (Quorum of the 70)
- "Fulfilling church callings require A LOT of FAITH." - Carol B. Cook (Quorum of the 70)
- "Never forget special sacred experiences." -Elder Ronald A. Rasband (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
-Living tragedy does not make you immune to the sorrow that is to follow." -Evan A. Shmutz  (Quorum of the 70)
- "Our faith in Christ grows and brings comfort to our souls." - Evan A. Shmutz  (Quorum of the 70)
- "If our children learned the gospel and we were the only source of their much would they know." - K. Brett Nattress (Quorum of the 70)
- "And I. will. not. lose. you." - K. Brett Nattress (Quorum of the 70)
- "Motherhood is near to divinity...they sit at the level of angels." - K. Brett Nattress (Quorum of the 70)  *I love you momma! :)
- "We love Him, because He loved us First." - K. Brett Nattress (Quorum of the 70)
- "Mom,'s Him." - K. Brett Nattress (Quorum of the 70)
- "When we blame others we turn into hapless individuals." -Elder Dale G. Renlund (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
- "He is joyful when we choose to repent." - Elder Dale G. Renlund (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)
So basically have JOY! Be JOYFUL! and Spread JOY! This gospel is nothing but JOY!!
Je vous aime! À semaine prochaine!
-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

P.s. a cat scratched and bit me today...still doesn't take away my love for them :)
September 26, 2016

SO, first of all this week was super great and even though we didn't have a ton of lecons we somehow managed to stay busy pretty much every hour of the day. BUT I got sick....hahahaha again. Those stomach bugs just tear you apart for a day, and you lose some weight, but then you regain it all when you go over to members houses to eat :)
Besides that little roadbump in my week it has been oh so super hot BUT we got a nice THUNDER storm to cool things off for a bit #praise
Yesterday we had another lecon with Nephi. We talked about the temple and geneologie! We told him that the temple is the House of the Lord and that he can be with his famille again for time and ALL ETERNITY! He sits back after looking at a picture of the Tahiti temple we showed him and tells us that "i need to get more serious. i want to be with my famille forever." Though he didnt say much the spirit was super super strong.
We were also able to do a split with the jeune-fille (young women) in our paroisse, and they were able to see how us missionaries work every day and the blessings that it brings into our lives. The two YW that i had were super funny and told me that after me and my comp spoke in church a few weeks ago that they gained a bigger desire to serve a mission! So people, BE AN EXAMPLE OF CHRIST! YOU NEVER KNOW WHO'S HEART YOU'RE GOING TO TOUCH THAT DAY!!! Garderz cet espoir! (keep that hope)!
In closing we had the General Womens Session of #ldsconf this past Saturday and though we were late getting there what I did hear will always inspire me!
I for one LOVED President Utchdorf's talk and of course wrote down quotes (note: i wrote them in French so my traduction may be a little rocky):
- "The essential is invisible to the eyes."
- "Faith is powerful and can bring about miracles."
- "In waiting we must continue on with the faith that we do have."
- "On the third floor you will receive that perfect knowledge."
And my mom sent me a funny thought that i MUST SHARE WITH Y'ALL TOO:

 "We are all brave until we realize that cockroaches have wings." hahahahahaha
It's so true. I've hated cockroaches ever since I stepped foot in Tahiti and finding out that they fly too made my hate for them burn even stronger.
I love y'all so much! Thank you for every thing!
Ok that's it! plein d'amour,
-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)
1.Uru (bread fruit) and poitro (corned beaf...i think) has to be one of my favorite snacks now!
2. A big #throwback to our time at the MTC...who would've thought that me and Soeur Tidjine  (one on my left) would be companions!!!! #blessed

September 19, 2016
Chers tous,
This week has been super great and full of tiny blessings and doing service for others.
I had to say goodbye to Soeur Lavelua as she finished her mission and rentre chez elle en Nouvelle-Zelande. After that I received  SOEUR TIDJINE!! I think I told y'all about her last week, but hey why not tell y'all again!
She's from New Caledonia! We came to Tahiti ensemble, mais she finishes her mission 6 weeks after me. I have laughed more this week than I have during presque my entire mission! I'm #blessed to have her as my companion.
This past Saturday we did a projet service chez Cathy, One of our amis de l'eglise. It was basically clearing out weed infested yard and having the ONE TAHITIAN in our district cut the grass and big stuff we couldn't handle with a weed cutter. We spent a good 2 hours on our hands and knees pulling weeds AND I got to use a MACHETE!! It always feels good to service! For the longest time membres and amis here wouldn't let us do service because they would want to do things by them self, but finally Cathy let us come over Saturday morning with our district. And to piece it all together Cathy came to church yesterday!!!!
Yesterday, we had another lecon with Nephi yesterday! So long story short, yes he did not get baptized when he had wanted too, but he asked us if we could refix his date! We also read with him in the Livre de Mormon and at the end he told us..."now I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. I just know now." He went on to explain how he couldn't explain the feelings he had, but that he knew finally that Joseph Smith translated Le Livre de Mormon par le pouvoir de Dieu.
Though this week was full of a ton of rejections and "let me call you"s little lecons and acts of service like that make up for all the negatives and up hill battles we face every day.
I love the work I am doing as a missionary, and even though it's BLAZING HOT I know that as I continue to metrise my French I am still capable of changing others lives and help them feel the spirit and the love of our Heavenly Father in their heart and home!
I love y'all oh so much!!
Passez une bonne semaine! EAT. Fight. WIN

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

September 12, 2016

Hey y'all,

So YES there are transfers this ENTIRE week BUT I'm staying in Temarua! I love it here! My comp Soeur Lavelua "finishes" her mission today with all the other bajillion Americans et Faranis, but She flies home to Nouvelle Zélande mercredi matin so I'll get my new comp mardi soir! 

My new comp is Soeur Tidjine and she came to Tahiti with me! She finishes a transfer (6 weeks) after me and she is from Nouvelle Caledonie just right next to Vanauatu. She is super sweet and hilarious like all New Caldoshs I've met since I've been here!

This week not much happened, but at the same time a lot happened. Weird right? We didn't have a ton of lecons but we had lecons that went super well. 

One of my amis who I love is named Raina. She is 15 and has a ton of friends that are membres of the church. And for the longest time she didn't believe in God at all like none what so ever! But, she told us "Je veux croire en Dieu mais je n'arrive pas a croire." We've mostly focused on the Plan of Salvation, the first few chapters of Genese, and prayer. We've helped her relate her science questions to the other side of it all. We've helped her understand the relationship that science and religion play in the belief of God and how the world was created. If that doesn't make your head explode then I don't know what will haha. BUT this past Saturday we spent just a good two hours chez elle answering her questions, EATING, and laughing but by the end of every thing she told us that she has been praying to gain a stronger belief of God. She BELIEVES in GOD NOW!!!! How awesome is that??? Those many many lecons turned out to be totally worth it! Raina is so prepared to hear the gospel and continue to grow her testimony! She's a bballer which is pretty cool, so her and I talk a lot about sports :)

Other than that this week has been running errands and helping Soeur Lavelua prepare her things to fly home.

I spend some of my Pdays now planning my classes for BYU so my great, awesome, fantastic mother dearest :) can register me when the time comes! 

With having 3 months (2 transfers) left. I've come to appreciate more and more the people that i meet and teach. The mission flies by and in the blink of an eye you're on your flight home. I love the work, because it distracts me from the fact that I'm finishing soon. I LOVE the MISSION! Y'all it is seriously the GREATEST THING EVER!! 

Je vous aime bcp! Soyez sage et sourir TOUT LES JOURS!!

Bsx Bsx,

Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

Friday, September 9, 2016

Sept 5, 2016 - Mireta & Tera are baptized & married!

Ia ora na tout le monde,

Donc, Today was super busy but a super great Pday. We were able to do a chasse au tresors (scavenger hunt) with a few other zones before Soeur Lavelua finishes her mission with a bunch of others. We played taxi driver today and had to go en ville (Papeete) to depose les autres missionnaires a les autres endroits.

BUT, this past week was super great! This past week Mireta got MARRIED and BAPTIZED!!! 

On the mission you are blessed to watch those you have taught be baptized and be washed clean of any taches they may have. All baptemes are special, but there are certain baptisms that help you love the mission even more. Mireta is one of those people. She is so cool and so willing to make her life better. And may I say that her and her husband Tera are pretty much one of the cutest Tahitian couples EVER!!!

Other than that we continued to teach other amis de l'eglise. For a while we have been teaching a brother and a sister, Taumaha et Kelhane. They were wanting to get baptized at the end of this week, but their papa doesn't want them to. We refixed another date for them to get baptized for farther away in date, to give their dad time to accept their desire to be baptized. They did tell us that they have been reading the Livre de Mormon together ever since the first lecon and they are at the end of 2 Nephi (the second book in the Book of Mormon). Even though they are permitted to come to church yet because of their parents they still tell us that they want to Persevere!!! I know it'll take time for their dad to give them permission to be baptized, but when he does it'll be a GREAT AMAZING MARVELOUS day!!!

So this transfert is almost faaoti (finished) which means that I will tearfully soon say goodbye to my Tongan Kiwi companion Soeur Lavelue which means that this week is gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME with creating great and memorable memories!!

Je vous aime beaucoup!
Nana until semaine prochaine,
Out looking for new people to bring the gospel to!
Marriage of great friends!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

Sept 5, 2016 - Mireta & Tera are baptized & married!

Ia ora na tout le monde,

Donc, Today was super busy but a super great Pday. We were able to do a chasse au tresors (scavenger hunt) with a few other zones before Soeur Lavelua finishes her mission with a bunch of others. We played taxi driver today and had to go en ville (Papeete) to depose les autres missionnaires a les autres endroits.

BUT, this past week was super great! This past week Mireta got MARRIED and BAPTIZED!!! 

On the mission you are blessed to watch those you have taught be baptized and be washed clean of any taches they may have. All baptemes are special, but there are certain baptisms that help you love the mission even more. Mireta is one of those people. She is so cool and so willing to make her life better. And may I say that her and her husband Tera are pretty much one of the cutest Tahitian couples EVER!!!

Other than that we continued to teach other amis de l'eglise. For a while we have been teaching a brother and a sister, Taumaha et Kelhane. They were wanting to get baptized at the end of this week, but their papa doesn't want them to. We refixed another date for them to get baptized for farther away in date, to give their dad time to accept their desire to be baptized. They did tell us that they have been reading the Livre de Mormon together ever since the first lecon and they are at the end of 2 Nephi (the second book in the Book of Mormon). Even though they are permitted to come to church yet because of their parents they still tell us that they want to Persevere!!! I know it'll take time for their dad to give them permission to be baptized, but when he does it'll be a GREAT AMAZING MARVELOUS day!!!

So this transfert is almost faaoti (finished) which means that I will tearfully soon say goodbye to my Tongan Kiwi companion Soeur Lavelue which means that this week is gonna be TOTALLY AWESOME with creating great and memorable memories!!

Je vous aime beaucoup!
Nana until semaine prochaine,
Out looking for new people to bring the gospel to!
Marriage of great friends!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

August 29, 2016 - Another Week - Flooded our House

Ia ora na chers tous,
J'espere que tout va bien avec vous tous!!
This week has been super slow, but as I was reviewing the work from this past week last night I found myself rather content with the work Soeur Lavelua and I did!
We didn't have a ton of lecons, but I loved the lecons that we did have! Quality over quantity.
But as the title of my email says...yes our house did get flooded. why? well it's not a cause of the 2 weeks of intense rain. It's because our toilet broke....yes our toilet. We were about to leave to do contacting in our secteur when we hear this weird gushing sound coming from one of the bathrooms in our house. Soeur Lavelua goes in and lifts up the tank lid and tries to resituate one of the handles but instead of fixing it the toilet explodes.....don't worry it was clean water haha. So we run out screaming and run next door to our propriétaire's house to tell him, BUT he isn't home. By the time we get back there is water in every knoock and cranny of our house. So we called Elder Hauata (who works in the bureau) and he instructed us on how to turn the water off so we could de-flood our house. It took a good 4 hours, and afterwards we couldn't take showers chez nous so we called a membre, la famille ANIHIA, et sped on over to clean ourselves up so we could head out into the secteur.
This week not a lot happened BUT we met this super sweet famille. Titaina, Heimana, and leur fils Hitinui. They live super far back into the valley and have never met the missionaries until we came by one evening. They are croyante but haven't been attending church for a few years now. They love that the church is centered on the Family and we can be sealed to our famille for time and ALL ETERNITY. They asked us to come back and the last few times we went back they had a huge plate of PRINGLES ready for us to munch on during their lecon haha. They are so sweet. They are a famille and I know it will be hard for them to accept the gospel BUT when their testimonies grow a little more they will seriously be amazing converts and willing to follow Christ's example #blessed
Maururu ia outou no te mau parau poro'i no faaitoito! I love y'all so much and hope this week passes by just swimmingly.
peace, love, and hugs,
-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)
 Zumba on "P" day = soreness the next day

Just some of the locals hanging out

August 22, 2016 - Another Week - The Hand of God

BONJOUR tout le monde,
I sure hope that y'all passed a really good week!
This week was super great comme d'ab! We were able to see and spend some super great time with our amis and help PLAN the WEDDING for Mireta who is getting married and baptized on the 2 of Septembre and may I mention that it's also her birthday that day! Hip hip hooray!
So we have an amis! Super great amis! And he's getting baptized this Saturday #praise! But before it was a little rough sailing for him. He lives with his sister Vaiana and for awhile never had a super strong relationship with God or even a strong croyance. UNTIL HE MET US!! He's super nice and open in accepting the gospel. For a while he never really noticed the work of God in his life. As the lecons continued we urged him to put Christ at the forefront of his life and all would work out. I myself am still reassuring myself that the work of God is amazing and He can work miracles in all of our lives. Well he told us that ever since we engaged him to put Christ first in his life he has 1. found a job     2. his sister has found a job  and 3. he dug up his paka (weed.....xD ) farm that he had hidden in his back yard (it was his side job and a little fyi weed is ridiculously illegal here and people here go to jail here for the amount of time that murders go to jail in about a big deal)!! So hey....Nephi is super cool and throughout these past few months teaching Nephi I've noticed God's hand in his life. CAN'T Y'ALL SEE IT! When we put Christ in the front of our lives EVERY THING will fall into place. It's a huge blessing and I seriously love my Father in Heaven for the miracles he has put into my life but the GINORMOUS blessings he has placed in the lives of my amis and familles and friends back home!
Y'all....this gospel is great! I love this mission! And my love for this place continues to grow every day! #peaceloveandhugs
J'espere que vous passez une bonne semaine! Have some fun! Study hard! Pet a cat and drink chocolate milk for me y'all while I'm gone. #3.5months
I love y'all mucho!
-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill
p.s. I read a BYU devotional talk one day by Michael D. Brown(a PDBio professor) and he quoted Gordon B. Hinckley our recent beloved prophet before President Thomas S. Monson! So naturally gotta post this quote!

[ask] that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life we “accentuate the positive.” I [ask] that we look a little deeper for the good."

Anther Week: Taumaha et Kelhane - August 15, 2016

Chers tous,
J'espere que tout va bien avec vous tous!
This week was SUPER SUPER!
We have been teaching a brother and a sister, Taumaha et Kelhane. They are super cute and super sweet and super open in learning about the gospel! The other day they told us that they wanted to get BAPTIZED! So they OKed the 10 Sept as their bapteme dates BUT we have to wait for the OK from their parents! These two kids are so cute and started reading the Livre de Mormon and praying before we even engaged them to do so #blessed
Other than that this week has been busy with doing splits. A mini transfert is happening this week due to missionaries going home, so my fille Soeur Tuihani will be getting transfered to my old secteur TARAVAO 1 as she continues to wait for her visa. Soeur Lavelua and I will officially be back down to a duo BUT we are still the STLs of Paea and Taravao, so I will still be able to see Soeur Tuihani a little now and then these next few weeks.
This past week we had Conseil des Dirigeants, so we were back up on the mountain chez President. We had multiple formations (trainings) from President and Soeur Bize, assistant ma, et Couple Caldwell. The Caldwells finish their mission this Thursday actually, and so they took a little time to talk to us during CdD. Elder Caldwell expressed his gratitude for our desire to serve, our love for the Savior, but also for our willingness in trying to be obedient and change. As always, y'all know me, I have to leave y'all with two quotes that Elder Caldwell left us with:

"There is nobody else on this earth that is doing or can do what you all are doing right now. What you are doing is UNIQUE."
"The missionary sets out to help others change their lives, but really the biggest change that happens is the missionary. You change the most on your mission."
I will be forever grateful for that missionary couple. He helped me comfortablize myself (if thats even a word) on my ability in driving stick (other than my dad...THANKS DAD) here in Tahiti. Soeur Caldwell was there for me to talk with, teach me how to properly sing, and as always provide me with food when ever they came by to visit us at the house!
So to narrow down this week: I LOVE being a MISSIONARY!! Time is flying by, and I don't know how I feel about that! J'aime ma famille et mes amis. Maururu no to'outou mau pure et to'outou here! I love y'all mucho!
I pray that y'all have a magical and fantastic week!!

Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

July 11, 2016 - August 1, 2016 - Another Week or Three, Everyone Thinks I am From France

Iaorana tatou,
I hope y'all have been fantastic!
This week has been super duper great! And also we got other transfer calls this past friday!
TRANSFERS: I stay and my companion goes to Faa'a, so I get Soeur LAVELUA! She is Tongan, but grew up in Nouvelle-Zélande, so she is a straight kiwi! She is so funny and full of energy! I can't even describe how happy I am to work with her! She finishes her mission in Septembre which means that I will continue to rester in Temarua for a little while longer!
This past week we were also able to do splits and I worked in the trio with my fille Soeur Tuihani et l'autre soeur, Soeur Lehartel (who by the way left early this morning for her actual mission in Perth, Australia so we were at the aeroport at 5h45 this morning). We had some super great lecons together and worked super hard.
We had another lecon with Mireta this week! She's a young adulte who is 19 and lives with her boyfried and her little boy! The first time we met her was through normal porte a porte. We walked up to her house and she instantly says "no sorry we are in the process of getting ready to leave." so we obviously took that as a no and kept on going. The second time we saw her we were sitting in the car before getting out and going to a lecon juste en face de chez elle. She comes up and taps on the window. She then tells us that she actually wanted us to come back, but she never saw us again until that day! WHAT A BLESSING!!! Stuff like that rarely EVER happens! So we've already done quelque lecons avec elle, and she told us that she wants to be baptized and she wants to get married to because she wants to be sealed with her petite famille! HOW CUTE IS THAT!!! She knows that the gospel is true and that Joseph Smith restored Christ's church on this earth; now all it takes is her putting her desires into actions! Her faith is so strong, and chaque fois we visit her she shows us what she has read in the Livre de Mormon and the notes and highlights she has made. Our last lecons with her this past week she told us "It just makes sense; this gospel."
People like Mireta are called miracles. They show this desire and instant love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They strive to change their lives instantly once they hear of His restored gospel and the blessings that are promised from resting fidele a ses commandements. They strive to become better and more like the Savior. They know that His atoning sacrifice was for them indiviually and that they can always turn towards Him for help and peace. It's such a blessing and testimony builder seeing those you teach to personally build that desire.
So to finish off I read this RIDICULOUS TALK about Christ's atonement. Some of you may be asking yourselves "why was the atonement necessary?" "what would have happened if Christ didn't atone for our sins?" ....well my fellow famille, friends, and readers I read the talk that will repondre aux deux questions! It literally blows your mind!
It's called "A Personal Search for the Meaning of the Atonement" by W.Cleon Skousen.
I read it about 4-5, and as always pulled some quotes that I really loved:

"He’s telling us all good-by and He’s about to go down into the amnesia of the second estate. So He won’t even know who He is. You don’t even know who you are. I don’t even know who I am. Isn’t that exciting?"

“I want you to understand more about me. I want you to understand I’m not way off, a mystical being. I’m your loving Heavenly Father and I operate in an atmosphere of cause and effect and in a universe of law. There’s nothing magic about what I do. Everything is based on a science and I’m trying to teach it to you gradually.”
I really hope y'all read the talk! It will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!
And I hope y'all pass a good semaine!
peace, love, and hugs; nana
-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

July 11 - Another Week in a Matchbox of a Secteur

Hello tout le monde,

J'espere que vous avew passe une BONNE semaine!

This week has been good, but comme d'ab nothing super out of the ordinary!

Around the end of this week we had a lecon with one of our amis Sabrina! She super nice and asks super great questions. She told us one of the first lecons that her husband wants nothing to do with religion or Christ in general. She told us "if I want to change, then I will change by myself." One of the strongest women I have met on my mission thus far. So we had our lecon, and out of no where her husband, Noel, comes and sits down next to her for the entire lecon. He was so into it! He asked such great questions, and the Spirit really helped guide us towards the responses. At the end of the lecon he expressed interest in our Church! He told us that it'll be slow with him, but he'd like to follow his wife and change too, afin qu'il puisse create a better life for their little famille! Having Noel at the lecon continued to affirm to me that people are capable of change, and will when the time is right in our Heavenly Father's plan!

Saturday night I was able to road trip it back to Nuuroa for a baptism! His name is Patrick, and beyond one of the nicest et most humble people I have taught. He was finally able to get baptized, and at the end bore his testimony on humility and that it's our duty to change and grow on this earth in order for us to return to our Heavenly Father again! #puissante

This past thursday was Conseil des dirigeants (leaders Council...I think) for the dirigeants of the mission. It was pretty cool, but the one thing that really hit home for me was the formation by Sœur Bize. She posed us all a question: Qu'est-ce que vous empêche a être une meilleur missionnaire? (what is keeping you from being a better missionary?) ....It really struck me that there is nothing that is keeping me from improving as a missionary but also as a normal living breathing human being. There are times on the mission where I am absolutely fiu, and want to "laisse tomber" every thing and just stay at home, but I know Heavenly Father didn't call me here to do nothing. He knows my struggles and is there to help me and others around me, alors why not use Him to help me become a better missionary. I only have about 4.5 months left, so I better make the best of it.

This gospel continues to bless my life and I know it blesses so many others too!

Je vous aime! Ua here au ia outou!

- Tuahine/Sœur Morrill :)