November 28, 2016
Cher tous,
This week was even more AWESOME than last week and the week
before that and the week before that!
Juste vite fait: HAPPY late
THANKSGIVING!! I'm so thankful for this gospel, this experience, our Savior
Jesus Christ and His atonement, for the sun that shines (even though it's hot),
and the rain that falls, for the humidity, for the many stars I see at night,
for the Livre de Mormon, for this mission, for my friends and famille, for
those I have met and taught and watched and changed, for the gift of tongues,
for my loving Heavenly Father. I could go on and on, but my gratitude for this
life is eternal!
So I've thought a good bit
about what I wanted to write today. And I've realized that nothing I say will
really fully explain ni express my real feelings about my life on the mission.
Let me start off by saying that
18 months flies by in a heartbeat, and that I was blessed in being forced to
change in ways I never thought I needed. I've learned that stress is a
choice, patience is a BIG virtue, and charity should be an everyday action.
I've learned that it's always better to love others as who they are instead of
judging them for not being lie us or doing what we do. We never know what
someone has been through in their life to become how they are; we must simpy
look at them through the eyes of our Heavenly Father and feel of His love for
We witness miracles, hardships,
heartbreak, become more in tune with the Spirit, and increase our testimony of
His gospel and blessings that He promises us.
I honestly could go on and on about the blessings and
changes I've seen on my mission, and of course bore some people to death, but
in all in all words cannot describe a mission. It just can't. J'arrive pas a
croire tous ce que j'ai fait dans ma vie. J'arrive pas a croire que c'est
presque finit.
"Men and women who turn
their lives over to God will discover that He can make a lot more out of their
lives than they can. He will deepen their joys, expand their vision, quicken
their minds, strengthen their muscles, lift their spirits, multiply their
blessings, increase their opportunities, comfort their souls, raise up friends,
and pour out peace." -President Ezra Taft Benson
I love this gospel more than anything! There are no regrets
with the choice that I made ni the work that I did. THIS CHURCH IS TRUE!!!
Ua here au ia outou. E mea parau mau i te ekalesia a Iesu
Mesia i te feia mo'a i te mau mahana hopa nei!
Je vous aime! L'eglise de Jesus-Christ des Saints des
derniers jours est vraie!
I love y'all! The Church of
Jesus Christ of latter-Day saints is true!
signing off,
Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)
signing off,
Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)
p.s. today is my last email, because next monday I will be
chez President
p.s.s. For those who want to know my finish date is 5
Decembre and I reach home the 6 Decembre. For more information on my flight
information y'all can contact my mom :)
p.s.s. See y'all in the #205 et
peace n' blessin's
District d'oof
My companion is truly the best, French, and a lot shorter
than me lol
A temple of the
temple will never get old
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