Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another Week - Temaura Time - June 27, 2016

Hey y'aII,
J'espere que vous avez passe une bonne semaine!!
This week I started over; in a new secteur; with new amis de I'egIise; with new membres.
It's aIways a IittIe rough when a missionary starts over in a new secteur. We go from buiIding reIationships with the membres and amis, et then we get that transfer caII from assistants. If you're a missionary who Ioves their secteur, then hearing the news that you're getting transfered wiII probabIy feeI Iike your entire worId is crashing in around you.
TRUST ME!! I know the feeIing; every missionary does. "On a tous passe par Ia." haha
BUT I do Iove transfers; it gives me another opportunity to meet other peopIe and bring the message of Christ into their home, or to the edge of their porteiI haha. Either way we pIant a seed!
This week I met Sabrina! A woman who is searching for answers in her Iife; a woman Iooking for more peace, comfort, et a bigger happiness than what she has in her Iife at this moment. We were abIe to visit her and get to know her pretty weII. She toId us that she has famiIIe that qre members of the church; she watched "that change" in her famiIIe, et desires the same thing. Her husband is not croyant, but she doesn't care. She toId us she wouId do anything to experience "that change" in her Iife and if that means going against her husband then she said she's wiIIing...to find that happiness!
What a bIessing she is, et it was amazing seeing the Spirit working through her as we taIked. Her heart changed et we couId see a Iight come into her eyes as we taIked of HOPE et putting trust in Christ et our HeavenIy Father!
This week was super great, but RAINED a TON!!! which i can't compIain I've missed!
Y'aII...don't forget HeavenIy Father Ioves you and cares for you! N'oubIiez jamais ca!
Je vous aime!
-Soeur MorriII :)
p.s. went to the docteur about my cough et he toId me that I have a respiratory infectinon. But HAVE NO FEAR!! I am getting better

p.p.s. The IceIand vs EngIand soccer match was on today at a members house, so I may or may not have watched a few minutes....saw England loose

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


HELLLLOOOOOO tout le monde,

So as the title of my email suggests, YES we had transfers! And let me tell you...it's a big one. I've only been in Nuuroa for 10 weeks, but I received a call from assistants and was told that I am now assigned as STL (sister training leader) in the mission with Soeur Bamba. I leave for the zone of Paea to the secteur of Temarua today! I'm thinking I'll be staying near the presqu'ile of Tahiti pretty much most of my mission!

This week, naturally, was full of work, but for quelque raison my head cold has turned into something more than my normal seasonal sickness. Let's just say that sometimes it sounds like I'm coughing up a lung, but Tahitians have their natural remedies (ra'au Tahiti), and so far every thing they have given me (not sure exactly what) has worked so far, and haere maru haere papu, petit a petit, slowly but surely I'm getting better. 

ALSO, we had a great opportunite this week to hear from a few general authorities of the church. Sister McConkie (1st cons in the Young Women presidency), Sister Reeves (2nd cons in the Societe de Secous presidency), and Elder Kevin W. Pearson (President of the Pacific Region). I loved every talk, but Elder Pearson's struck home for me. He talked of urgency in hastening the work, and the Livre de Mormon. 

"The more you understand the Book of Mormon, the more excited you will be for when Christ comes again." -Elder Pearson

"Lord help me, or I will fall. Help me, so that I may fly." - Elder Holland (Quorum of the 12 Apostles)

Every week has its challenges, and miracles. This past Thursday we went to the end of our secteur to recontact some old amis, Eteta, Manurai, and Kevin. 

We found Eteta easily, and she was super sweet and asked us to come back another day and continue the lecons. BUT while we were talking to Eteta, this huge GOOSE came out of nowhere. He started coming toward us, screeching and flapping his wings (granted this is the first time I've seen a goose here in Tahiti). What did Eteta do? Just calmly stepped between us and the goose and continued to watch him the entire time we talked to her.

Afterwards we continued searching for Manurai and Kevin. Unfortunately they weren't home, but the people we talked to were super nice. At the end we met this young man named Moho. It walks with us and shows us where Manurai lives. He then tells that he has a lot of friends who are membres of the church and some who had just finished serving missions. He told us he'd love to follow the lecons, but after the Heiva (the big dance festival here in French Polynesia) at the end of July!

The Lord works in mysterious ways, and if we just put our faith and trust in Him, then He will put those people, who are ready to hear the gospel, in our path. Every day I've come to see His hand in helping my amis, and the way He touches their lives. 

I'm excited for this transfer, and though it's only been 10 weeks I can't help but feel like I'm leaving a little bit of my heart here too!

Je vous aime! Et j’espère que vous passez une bonne semaine!


Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Week of Blessings - June 13, 2016

Chers tous,

J’espère vous avez passé une bonne semaine avec vos familles et amis!

This week we have been blessed with finding more amis, and also fixing a bapteme et mariage!

For a lot of our lecons we used one of the talks from Prophet Thomas S. Monson when he spoke in this last Conference Generale this past Avril! The talk was "Les Choix"...."Choices." We have a lot of amis who have strong testimonies and know the church is true, but are too scared to get baptized, because they are afraid that they will chuter (fall) again into the worldly things they empeched them from getting baptized in the first place. But what is humbling about our amis is that they already worry about their "after baptized life". In Monson's talk he said:
           "Although it is imperative that we choose wisely, there are times when we will make foolish choices. The gift of repentance, provided by our Savior, enables us to correct our course settings, that we might return to the path which will lead us to that celestial glory we seek."

Our goal in life is to return to our Heavenly Father again, and by so doing depends on the choices we make in life. My amis de l'eglise have already expressed their worry about rechuting after baptism. What we told them is that "si tu as peur de rechuter apres ton bapteme, c'est sur tu ne vas pas le faire apres tu es baptise." (if you are already scared or falling after baptism, it's sure that you won't do after you are baptized.) And for the most part it's true, because my amis know the choices that they make in life can affect their life for eternity, and our eternal goal is to "obtain celestial glory" and live with our Heavenly Father again!

I really enjoyed this week, even though it was BLAZING HOT half way through the week. The Spirit was so strong during lecons, and I know my companion and I were blessed with the gift of tongues, not just in French et Tahitian, but in what to say to them.

Comme d'ab I love this gospel with all my heart and couldn't be happier serving these people in the middle of the south pacific. (Some people forget that Tahiti even exists, because it's always covered up by that big box they put on those big maps that you hang on walls)....Anywho:

Je vous aime! J'aime mon Pere Celeste et je sais il vous aime aussi!
Keep on keepin' it real! 

Ua here au ia outou et maururu no to'outou here e mau pure!
Gros bisoux a vous tous (pas vraiment)

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Another Week and a Surprise Baptism

Ia ora na tatou!

This week was filled with many tiny miracles and in the end an amazing baptême took place.

First: Flora and Muriel are getting baptized. They are amis that I haven't really had much time to talk about, but I couldn't be happier for them! #blessed

On the mission, we have a plan every day to do something every hour until the end of the day, and sometimes none of those plans work out exactly. That is the mission, and I've learned to just "go with the flow." The mission is stressful. As missionnaires we have stresses at home and stresses here on the mission; to work at improving ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. I've learned to put my trust in my Heavenly Father and have Him guide me, my comp, and our amis. My testimony grows every day grace a son amour pour nous tous. This week we were beyond blessed to find out that Wailani was getting BAPTIZED. All of her famille are membres of the church and they were all sealed in the temple as a famille éternel; but something happened that caused them to go inactive. For a long time the mom and dad wanted nothing to come back, because they were offended by others in the church (it's sad). They fell away and welcomed the harsh things of the world to enter their home. My comp and I spent a few hours chez eux one day listening to their story. They received multiple blessings from other wonderful missionaries and loving worthy priesthood holders of the church, and slowly they accepted their daughter to be baptized. Wailani was baptized by her dad this past Samedi. The Spirit was so strong that evening that my heart filled with love to finally see an éternel famille return again to the church grace a leur fille qui a voulu se faire baptiser. 

We must thank our Father in Heaven every day for the blessings and little miracles He has given us every day. Why not talk to our Father in Heaven every day? 

I love this gospel with all my heart, and I CHOSE to enter the church. I was not forced, but wanted what my sisters and parents have in their lives...the love and blessings of His everlasting gospel. My testimony has grown throughout my life, and it continues to grow. I have built my life on His rock that is His gospel and you can NOT me bouger! 

I love y'all so much! Puisse Dieu vous benir! 

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Another Week in Pictures - my one year celebratory burning of something!

May 30, 2016 - Another week and hitting the one year mark!

Ia ora na te mau hoa no te chez moi,

I hope y'alls weeks were just dandy and Memorial Day was extravagant!

So this week was challenging. It was super hot. My bike broke, and a dirigent in our paroisse told us that we "don't pray as much as we should, we make poor decisions, and are not intelligent missionaries." So that was kind of rough to endure, but hey...C'EST PAS GRAVE!! I am my OWN missionary!! #dontletitgetmedown

Of one story I can think of that stuck out to me was not one of a lecon with an amis, but a story the premier counselor of the stake presidency told of his conversion. His name is President Valenza: 

For 6 years Valenza attended church, participated in other activities, and even went to the church's institute classes, but never got baptized. He wouldn't get baptized...why? Parce que there was something personal that "blocked" him. For 6 years he never prayed, and for those 6 years he didn't want to be baptized until one of his last lecons. At the end of this lecon one of the missionaries asked if Valenza would close with a prayer; naturally he said "non." In his words (translated) Valenza said "this elder was smart and had figured out my block...how? by listening to the Spirit, by discerning my needs. the elder said 'non you can do it,' so we knelt and for 15 minutes we knelt in complete silence, neither of the elders looking up but continually having their heads bowed, eyes closed, and arms folded, until I uttered the first prayer of my life; a week later I was baptized. After that prayer my temoignage grew and I gained a better and firmer knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ."

Ending Valenza's story I continue to pray to help discern the needs of my amis and others around me. Now that I have a stronger hold on the language I feel more sure of myself when I feel I have a "whisper" from the Spirit. 

Even if we aren't a missionary, we are still able to increase our gifts, be it the gift of tongues, gift of healing, gift of discernment, etc. The list goes on for eternity, but we all have gifts, and Heavenly Father didn't just put us on this earth to twittle our thumbs to pass the time. NO, He put us here to progress and improve and discover our heavenly ordained gifts. 

Like President Valenza, doing something new can be scary, but if we put our trust in Him "all things are possible." Bien sur, the first step back to Him is by having FAITH in Him.

Je vous aime! Maururu roa no to'outou here!

Until next week my fellow famille and friends! #peaceloveandhugs

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

May 24, 2016 - a week in pictures - we are blessed with beauty all around

May 16, 2016 - Pictures from an active week- mission concert and Mother's Day skype

May 16, 2016 - Another Week - Sometimes Tourists Just Don't Know

Ia ora na tatou!!

J'espere vous avez passe une bonne semaine et weekend.

This week has been great, getting my new companion (fille) moved in, settled, and introduced to the secteur. 

My (second) fille is Soeur Mitchell. Straight out of the Provo MTC last monday night. She's from Sydney, Australia and is super chill! 

Having a companion who is still at the base of learning French is a challenge but continues to be a great learning and service opportunity, though it also allows me to see the improvement that I have made in the language and teaching. 

This week as I stated earlier has been great, but super slow. The secteur I am in is Nuuroa, and a bike secteur, yes...on bike in a skirt ha ha ha. Anyway....It's the perfect size for a bike, but too small of a secteur for a car. We had to rely on membres this week to drive us to lecons, because Soeur Mitchell had yet to receive her bike from the couple missionnaires who opperate the mission bureau en ville in Papeete. And there was no way that I was going to have my fille out on foot her first few days in the secteur...it would pretty much kill her. BUT the membres were so great and considerate and helped us out a TON!! #blessed

Later on this week we said #toutealheure to one of our dirigent zones, Elder Guyaux, who got transfered down to the Australes, an island called Rurutu. Our districte all piled in the car and drove to the airport to say goodbye to him last friday morning. And of course, we ran into a lot of tourists.

Story: This super sweet older couple who had just gotten off a cruze ship were getting ready to take a plane to Bora. And they asked us where to go and where security was. Gladly we helped them out and got to know them in the process. As it was time for them to leave the husband says "Well thank you so much, and I know you guys have YOUR OWN BOOK, but try reading the BIBLE for a change and finding out WHO JESUS CHRIST REALLY IS." Obviously we didn't say anything, but smiled as they walked away. 

You see? The mission is great, and there are so many little miracles and blessings around every corner, but things like that are what stab us to the core. 

Just to clarify to any of you who have questions about the Book of Mormon: The Book of Mormon is ANOTHER TESTAMENT of JESUS CHRIST. It does NOT REPLACE the BIBLE. Yes, the Bible is the WORD of God, and gives us the teachings and revelations from other prophets and disciples of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon does the same thing. It testifies of HIM. Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon teaches the gospel of Jesus Christ. It contains teachings and revelations from prophets as well. As servants of Jesus Christ we teach the gospel throughout the world, and we use BOTH the Holy Bible AND the Book of Mormon. The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon together contain the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

I AM a missionary but also I am a membre of The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints. 

My testimony continues to grow, but I know who my Savior Jesus Christ is. He did more than we could ever ask a normal human being to do:

 Il a pris nos peches, nos tristesse, et nos souffrances sur lui, afin que nous puissions se sentir la joie, la paix, et le bonheur dans nos vies, mais aussi de changer nous-meme par son expiation et le repentir chaque jour afin que nous puissions revenir vers notre Pere-Celeste encore, parce que rien impur peut demeure dans le Royaume de Dieu. 

translation: He took our sins, our sadnesses, our sufferings upon himself, so that we can feel joy, peace, and happiness in our lives again, but to also change ourselves through his Atonement and repentance EACH day so that we can return and live with our Heavenly Father again, because NO UNCLEAN thing can dwell in the Kingdom of God. 

So please, ask a membre of the church or visit the site web if you have any questions www.lds.org

Merci cher tous, ua here au ia outou! Passez une bonne semaine!


Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

2 Nephi 25: 26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.  

The Book of Mormon

May 10, 2016 - Pictures

May 10, 2016 - Another Week - Transfers and Trainees

Ia ora na chers tous!!

This week was great and super busy!

But wednesday pretty much sums it all up! A day packed full and I mean full of lecons!

One lecon, however, did NOT go as planned what so ever! The week before Sr Andersen did a split with Sr Stositch, q dirigent in the mission, in our secteur while I went to Fataua for the day. We had a lecon scheduled with an ancien amis, Charles, who they recontacted during the split. Charles was married to Flores who is also another big potential amis of ours for bapteme. Charles reaccepted the lecons and told them that he had the desire to change and become better. So...we hauled our bikes up the mtn to their house; when we got there we didnt see Charles, but instead we saw Flora outside talking with a couple who looked to be famille friends.

"Ia ora na"...."vous etes la pour la lecon de Charles?"...."oui" we reply. Flora then proceeds to tell us in Tahitian that Charles had left earlier that day...so we asked where, comme dab.

"en haut; il est decede ce matin a 11h00...." replied one of the famille friends. WHAT??????? we later come to find out that he had suffered from a heart attack and didnt survive.

I was devastated (obviously)...that day was going to be the day that I would officially meet Charles, but we were too late by 4 hours.

We continued to talk to Flora, and are amazed at how well she is holding herself together. We then ask if we can share a message with her and with tears in her eyes says "please."

I shared Helaman 5:47 (from the Book of Mormon)....."Peace peace I give you because of your faith in Him...."  I read that scripture and found great comfort in it as I was going through a rather big trial in the MTC. And I had felt Flora zould feel comforted by it too.

The scripture is simple and short but puissant. Our Heavenly Father wants nothing but for us to feel peace in our lives, but we must go through trials and groz in our life in order to receive greater blessings, but whats comforting is that Heavenly Father will jamais give us an epreve on peut pas surmonter. He has FAITH in us, so il faut qu'on ait la foi en nous aussi. As I read the scripture to her I began to cry, not for her, but with her. I could feel her pain, and i could how hard she was trying to keep herself together for those around her, but in the end she let go and cried. All we could do was be there for her, even though we wanted to do more. At first we thought we hadnt done enough but later received a call from her telling us thank you!

It was probably one of the most spiritual experiences Ive had thus far.

in other news: IM TRAINING......AGAIN!!!!!!

Je vous aime bcp!!

forgive me for this short and big spelling errors....im on a french keyboard today!!!

peace, love, et hugs

Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

Friends, beach and street graffiti - April 2016

April 26, 2016 - Another Week and the Rain Just Kept Coming

Hello chers tous!

I hope y'all had a great week!

This week has been SUPER SUPER WET!!! There wasn't a day out on the bike where I didn't stay dry, but I'm not complaining. This week of rain was able to cool every thing down for a bit!

We were able to get more solid on knowing the secteur this past week with some membres, and we were able to recontact some super POTENTIAL AMIS!!

Two of those potential amis pour bapteme are named Karine and Vaianu. They aren't related, but they are two people that want to get baptized, BUT there are factors the empeche or block them from doing so: Karine lives in concubinage with a membre qui est inactif and who is also a BIG world boxing champion, so he (Cedric) is currently hanging out in California and won't be back till au debut de Mai, We can have lecons with Karine, but if we want her concubin to see how bad she wants this, we need a lecon with them both and engage them to be married. They literally are the cutest little famille with an adorable little boy.

Next is Vaianu: CUTEST jeune-fille (young woman) EVER!!! She lives avec Bishop et sa famille because Bishop is her uncle and Vaianu's parents live in Takaroa which is a Toamotu island just North East of Tahiti. Her mother is carrement inactive et son papa is just carrement against the church....no idea why. And because Vaianu isn't 18 yet she can't get baptized unless she had handwritten permission from her parents...meaning her dad. So along with Karine we too play the waiting game with Vaianu...praying that Heavenly Father will adoucir (soften) the heart of her father.

Besides those two little stories this week has been great!

My email is short this week, mais pas grave! I love this work and the mission that my Heavenly Father has given me to share His gospel with these LOVELY and CARING people!

J'espere vous passez une bonne semaine and passez une bonne debut de vacance pour l'ete!

Je vous aime! Ua here au ia outou!

Jusqu'au semaine prochaine!

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

April 25, 2016 - more adventures, more pictures

April 18, 2016 - Another Week - Sore & Sunburnt


So this week has been great, hot, and super super sunny! Thankfully though in Nuuroa the clouds give us shade sooner into the day than in Taravao haha.

With my new companion we were asked to "white wash" the secteur of Nuuroa; meaning we both are pretty much super new in the secteur and have no idea who people our, so it's our job to find and recontact the old amis that have been taught and continue to find new amis (comme d'ab). So far so good. Soeur Andersen is super great and motivated to find new people and teach them. 

This past week we were able to recontact and recent amis. His name is Robert, and he is....well...difficult. He loves reading the Livre de Mormon, and pretty much already knows it's true, BUT he is still searching for proof on why it's true. So, in doing so he is writing a thesis about the Livre de Mormon. He told us that once he gets his thesis written concerning the Book of Mormon THEN he will get baptized with his two other kids who LOVE the missionary lecons and have apparently begged their dad for them to get baptized. You can pretty much say that he's our challenging amis. BUT I have the FAITH that he will one day be baptized by the true Pristhood authority!

After our lecon with Robert, Soeur Andersen and I discussed that Robert is like the modern day Korihor. Now...Korihor was an anti-Chirst in the Book of Mormon who was successful for a time in leading the hearts of the people into unrighteousness, but throughout his "ministry" he kept saying "And now Korihor said unto Alma: If thou wilt show me a sign, that I may be convinced that there is a God, yea show unto me that he hath power, and then will I be convinced of the truth of they words," (Alma 30:43). Korihor was eventually "struck dumb, that he could not have utterance, according to the words of Alma," (Alma 30:50). At the end Alma, a prophet of God, asks Korihor again if he believes that God truly lives. Korihor than says "I know that I am dumb, for I cannot speak; and I know that nothing save it were teh power could bring this upon me; yea and I always knew that there was a God," (Alma 30:52). Throughout his life, Korihor knew that God really did exist and that Christ's gospel is the true gospel on the earth today, but he kept asking for a sign from God instead of listening to the Holy Spirit or realizing the feelings the Holy Spirit put into his heart. Our amis Robert is not the spitting image of Korihor, nor does he look to destroy the church or turn people's minds away from doing good. I know that Robert has received a testimony of the Book of Mormon, and he knows it's true, BUT like many I think he's scared and doesn't know what to do with that "wow" moment he received from the Holy Spirit. He wants solid proof, but we are trying to find ways to help him realize that if he just "listens to his heart, when He's calling for you" and the feelings he has when he reads the Book of Mormon then he would no longer question if the Book of Mormon is true or not, because by gosh is sure is true!

Des fois we might think "God doesn't exist"..."If he really loved me than he wouldn't give me these trials in my life." WRONG...Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us. And I testify that He lives and that we were all created in His image. We are placed on this earth to progress; to improve our lives to become more like Him, because if we have the desire to change then we can definitely live with our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and our FAMILLIES for ALL ETERNITY!!! Like....HOW COOL IS THAT!! So lets just all make a pact right here and now that we wipe away any "Korihor thoughts and actions" from our heads and put Heavenly Father and his goal for all of us in the forefront of our minds! #goteam

Other than finding people, riding the bike has been super great! BUT.....I am really sore from riding the bike every day. Pas grave...c'est le sport pour moi chaque jour! #stayfitwhiledoingtheLordswork

Other than that there isn't really much to report on, other than j'espere que vous aviez passe une bonne semaine and pour les personnes qui sont en train de se preparer pour les examens a l'ecole ou universite....je veux vous dire une choses...FAAITOITO (take courage)! Vous pouvez les reussir!

Ok...Je crois c'est tout pour le moment! Je vous aime! Ua here au ia outou!

Until next week!!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :) 

my favorite quote from a membre who spoke in church this recent Sunday: "Une mission est la mailleur ecole on peut jamais faire."

A week of pictures - friends and gatherings!

April 11, 2016 - Another week and I never got to say goodbye!

Ia ora na TATOU!!!

I hope y'all have had a GREAT FUN FILLED WEEK!!!!

I'd like to start out this lovely email with a quote from un de mes dirigents zone a Papeari "ton temoinage est ni teleste ou terreste mais Celeste." -Elder Longlois (de nouvelle caladonie)

This week was great. We had some really great spiritual experiences with our amis. Arii is progressing super well, and is so ready for to be baptized. He, however, doesn't realize it yet, but little by little I can see the desire in him growing.

This week was also full of a surprise.

Jeudi soir Elder Requillart (one of the assistants) calls:

He breaks the news that there is a transfert d'urgence (emergency transfer) and that President Bize has asked that I be transferred into the other secteur to help out with the situation....I will not lie....I yelled at E. Requillart over the phone "Quoi...NOO. REQUIALLRT EST-CE QUE TU SAIS QU'ON A UN BAPTEME LE 5 MAI! ON A TOUT PREPARE POUR CE BAPTEME. MOI ET SOEUR LASSO L'ONT TROUVE ENSEMBLE ET ON A PLANIFIE DE LE BAPTISER ENSEMBLE...." I do admit that it was not one of my best moments as a missionary set apart as a servant of Jesus Christ. That news, however, hit me like a ton of bricks.

After I finished my call with assistants, I raconte the news to DZones. Elder Longlois told me "Non...on ne va pas le faire encore. On va trouver une autre moyen, parce que nous n'allons pas PERDRE UN AUTRE SOLDAT dans notre famille, non...on ne va pas."

When Elder Longlois said that I couldn't help but smile. He is a great DZone (zone leader) and looks out for all of his missionnaires. He's caring, humble, and charitable. And after what our zone went through together, no other zone can compare to the bond that we have..."WE ARE FAMILLY!!!"

For a while je me suis dit "pourquoi...why me? why not somebody else?"

There are days where you are absolutely FIU (Tahitien term for: fed up, absolutely done with every thing,....just "can't even") of the secteur and others where you wanna spend your whole mission there; these pas few weeks have been the "I don't wanna leave."

You could say that I was heart broken. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving my amis, my converti recents, the membres I've grown to love. Taravao 1 has a piece of my heart that I know I will never get back.

As I knelt in prayer that night...the tears came. I shook as I cried; asking Heavenly Father "why me?" I've cried a lot in my many years of life, but this was different, and I think only missionnaires and returned missionnaires can understand this feeling.

The farther I've gotten into my mission, the harder it's been to say goodbye to those you've taught. You've taught these people the gospel; you've watched them grow spiritually; you've watched them gain a testimony of Jesus Christ and His restored gospel; and for many you've watched them enter into the waters of baptism and come out completely washed clean of all their sins; you've been through it all with them, and then all of a sudden you're gone, leaving them behind as you go to preach and spread the gospel ailleur (hopefully walking away with all the social media contacts you can obtain).

As I write this email, I am now in NUUROA in the zone of PUNAAUIA. I'm so excited to start helping and spreading the gospel here with my new companion Soeur Anderson, who was in Taravao 2 when I first came to Taravao 1. She is amazing and AUSTRALIAN!! We've already had so many good laughs together! I'm pretty excited to see what Heavenly Father has in store for us and the secteur. AND I am FINALLY on BIKE!!!! After almost a year on the mission I finally step out from behind the driver's seat and get the opportunity to do more contacting and get a better look at the beautiful land and people around me!! #merciPereCeleste

So in a short summary this week has been a whirl wind. These past few days we've eaten at least 3-4 different meals a day with membres but also with our AMIS because of the transfert, which will call for a lot of sport these coming weeks hahaha.

I hope y'all have a FANTASTIC WEEK!!

I love y'all and I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us! Because...we are ALL LITERALLY sacred children of God. Which is pretty cool I must admit!!

Ok...je crois c'est tout pour le moment.

Je vous aime! Ua here au ia outou! I LOVE Y'ALL!!!

- Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

April 4, 2016, General Conference Compilation

April 4, 2016 - General Conference Compilation
Bonjour tout le monde,

C'est moi, Soeur Morrill just checkin' in again!

I hope y'all had a great week and for some an AMAZING GENERAL CONFERENCE! For those of you who weren't able to watch it HAVE NO FEAR!!! www.lds.org is here! It's amazing, because you get to listen to the testimonies and talks of our Prophet, apostles, and other auxilliares of the Church. IT'S SO AWESOME!!!!

So just to back of to mardi to when moi and Soeur Lasso were SUPPOSED to cherche our new companions....quelle blague. We left Taravao early to dipose our car at the shop to get to front tires and check the brakes, but once we got into the car of a couple missionary the assistants call and inform us that we are not going to be training....why? Well...the soeur that I was supposed to form decided, lundi soir, that she no longer wanted to go on a mission, and the soeur that Soeur Lasso was meant to form had no idea that she was supposed to start her mission today. So we were stranded en ville in Papeete all day with no way to get home until our car was done. We called assistants, president, the centre de visiteur, and the bureau asking if anyone needed help getting work done. Everyone said no. You could say though that we spent most of the day having really good doctrine discussions and catching up on our scripture study!

This week was full of blessings and finding people. There were days when we would be turned down by everyone, but be blessed at the last house we visit. One of those days we had the impression to go back to the last house we had just been to. We called out waiting to see if anyone would come; we were about to leave when a young African woman in a beautiful cultural dress came outside. Her name is Eva, and she just moved to Taravao, Tahiti from SENEGALE with her husband...WHAT!! That's so cool! She was so sweet, and she just unlocked the porteil to let us in without asking questions. She accepted our message and said we could come back to teach her more. She said she didn't really have much knowledge of our Heavenly Father, but she knows He exists and His son Jesus Christ.

It's times like those that I'm extremely greatful for miracles. Doing porte a porte is always up and down, but then Heavenly Father sees your efforts and blesses you with a miracle at the end of the day.

Funny story: One day after lecons, we took a break before we headed to a membre's house for our faatamaaraa, and went to sit by the beach and talk about the days events. We put our feet in the water, and then out of the blue this little boy comes out of know where, jumps in and says "I'm Catholique, so I can swim." hahahahahaha. Clarification: we can swim too but just not on the mission hahaha!

So GENERAL CONFERENCE WAS AMAZING, and like last time, I posted (what some people call it) my own personal mission twitter feed of quotes I really loved. Enjoy!

"This is HIS conference." - President Henry B. Eyring

"The best place for spiritual learning and immersion is in the HOME." - Sister Mary R. Durham

"Mortal life can be agonizing...but you can have something better." - Donald L. Hallstrom quoting Elder Jefferey R. Holland

"Without the restoration we would be LOCKED OUT of our covenant pathway home to our Heavenly Father." - Elder Gary E. Stevenson

"Priesthood keys, if not we would be locked out from the saving ordinances of this gospel." - Elder Gary E. Stevenson

"Confered and delegated...keys start the engine and ignite the pathway that leads us back to Him." - Elder Gary E. Stevenson

"He has taught us that we can forgive; we can forgive and we can be free." - Keven R. Duncan

"God's love for His children is PERFECT!" - Kevin R. Duncan

"We can see others as Sauls but with Paul like potentials." - Kevin R. Duncan

"God is the perfect juge; He sees below the surface; He knows all. He sees all. He knows all the thoughts and intents of the heart." - Kevin R. Duncan

"If we win, win with grace; If we lose, lose with grace." - Kevin R. Duncan

"FOREGIVENESS is the very reason God sent His son." -Kevin R. Duncan

"We must persever through the 'valley of humility'." - Steven E. Snow

"Through the eyes of humility you can see tiny miracles." - Steven E. Snow

"Christ and Heavenly Father are the TWO BIGGEST givers." - Elder Dale G. Renlund

"The closer we are to HIm, the bigger the desire we have to CHANGE." - Elder Dale G. Renlund

"Oh...He, the Savior, did this just for me" - Diane (converti recent)

"The Savior has been there by our side all along." - Elder Dale G. Renlund

"Golden day for me as well." - Elder Ronald A. Rasband

"Share the blessing of having a testimony of God with others." - Elder Ronald A. Rasband

"In due time each one of us will hear the call "come home"." - Elder Ronald A. Rasband

"Welcome those children outside the fence, embrace them, love them." - Elder Neil L. Anderson

"You can do it, and I will help you do it." -Mervyn B. Arnold

"Become more benevolent and saintly." - Elder David A. Bednar

"Our weaknesses can be strengthened and our limitations can be overcome." - Elder David A. Bednar

"So they will not be tempted to respond to a poke on Facebook." - Elder M. Russell Ballard

"Never retire without kneeling together and holding hands." - President Harold B. Lee

"With their help we can make our home a little bit of Heaven here on earth." - Elder M. Russell Ballard

"The choices we make determines our destiny." - President Thomas S. Monson

"I like Alice, she knows where she wants to go and we should know where we want to go." - President Thomas S. Monson

"If we choose Christ we will have chosent the right path." -President Thomas S. Monson

"The struggle for our youth is the great and spacious building in life." - Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson

"It is a choice every day that we choose FAITH over DOUBT." - Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson

"Sometimes, sometimes it's just hard for me to think about Jesus." - little boy

"If we keep covenants, we stand in Holy Places and we cannot be moved." - W. Christopher Waddell

"We believe that a father puts his famille first." - Elder D. Todd Christofferson

"Challenges in life shows that God has trust in you to overcome the obstacles He puts in you plan." -Elder D. Todd Christofferson

"Please don't tell the missionary department." -Sister Senior

"For those in the temple, there is no distinction of wealth; we are all equal, sitting side by side in white." -Elder Quentin L. Cook

"Strangely enough everyone called those flares "Christmas trees"." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Those scars are not just a reminder of destruction but also a shining glimmer of hope...thatnew can be created from ashes." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"In a thousand years was her beauty built. In one night was it destroyed." - Author of "The Jewel Box

"It does not matter our scars, sins, and destruction, we can be rebuilt." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"Does the sheep need an endorsement from the sponsor so the good shepard will come?...No." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"It does not matter how you became lost; what matters most is that you are His child." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"God will not rescue us against our will." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"For those of you who do not speak this celetial language...."there's nothing good unless you do it"." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"If our religion does not influence our daily decisions, than our religion is vain." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"He sees us worthy of rescue." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"He will lift you up and carry you on His shoulders and He will carry you home." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"We are always welcome in His home." - Gerritt W. Gong

"ALWAYS think of Him like He thinks of US." - Gerritt W. Gong

"As membres and people, we do not need to go deep into stories to know that we are all refugees in this gospel." - Patrick Kearon

"That love is the rock in the foundation of the world." - Elder Jefferey R. Holland

"God will NEVER abandon us." - Elder Jefferey R. Holland

"OUr Heavenly Father wants to BLESS US." - Elder Jefferey R. Holland

Je vous aime! Bonne semaine!!

-Soeur/Tuahine Morrill :)

10 months in - a smile with a gorgeous background and friends!