Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 3 of 12 - MTC

Ia ora na everyone!


This past week has flown by. I can't believe I've already been here almost 3 weeks!!

      Last Tuesday evening we got the opportunity to attend a devotional with Linda K. Burton (the General Relief Society President) as the speaker. Let me just say that I. LOVE. HER. She's so amazing and her knowledge of the gospel is so strong. Before she spoke her husband had the opportunity to speak for a bit. He gave a great analogy about the before and after effects of being a missionary. he called a missionary up to the stand to help him out. He gave this elder his suit coat and told him to put it on...and he said "everyone see...this suit coat does not fit. This suit coat represents your mission. At the beginning of your mission you will most likely have no idea what you're doing here and feel that you won't be able to do it. But as you progress throughout your mission, strengthen your testimony and own're suit coat (or sweater) will begin to fit. And by the end of your mission it will almost be busting at the seems." With tears in his eyes he expressed the love he has for every past, present, and future missionary. and finally he said "being released as a missionary will be one of the hardest things you ever go through, but i can promise you...your work does not end there." I can't begin to explain how powerful his message was to us that night, and Sister Burton added the cherry on top of it too. "Remember who you are," she said. We are disciples of Christ to spread His gospel, and we must keep pressing forward no matter how hard our trials may become out in the field or back at home. 

      This past week our district focused on being bold and simple in spreading the gospel in Tahitian. We read Alma 17-19 about Ammon's teachings to Lammoni. We all strive to be like Ammon and speak "with the boldness, planeness, and baseness of he Spirit." We shouldn't be afraid to bare our testimonies when given the opportunity, because who knows...we may very well have planted a seed for later on. 

       Sister Olson and I had to teach a 20 minute lesson about the Gospel of Jesus Christ (lesson 3) to another missionary in our district without any preparation in Tahitian....and I'm not gonna lie...we rocked it! Even with the little vocabulary we had the Spirit was so strong and I testify to you all that the gift of tongues is real! Even in the 3 weeks I've been here I couldn't believe how far me, my companion, and the rest of my district have come in the Tahitian language. 


       Fun story: And dad you will be proud of me again!! I beat two of the elders in my district, Elder Ruff and Elder Meyer in a 3pt and free-throw competition last night #stillgotit


      Another Fun story: This past week we've had two times where MTC security guards/cops/"byu police" people who pretend to carry around guns, told us to be quiet, because us as a district were being too loud at night....hahahah oops. For the wasn't yet "quiet time" and everyone was done studying for the night so we are no to blame.....maybe hahaha.


     Oh and I think this news needs a big round of recognition: My mom has informed me that my cat Sophie has lost 1.2 POUNDS since I've been gone! This is big news in my eyes hahaha and she thinks that Sophie will be "slim n' trim in no time." hahahaha. 


      There isn't much more to report on except I'm still working on Tahitian and it's coming along. I'll start learning/reviewing French on July 1...and that will mark that we are HALF WAY THROUGH OUR MTC STAY!!!!!!! 


      This past week our choir director, Brother Eggot (I think that's how you spell his name) informed us that ALL of the NEW mission presidents will be coming to the MTC soon to have a little bit of training done. ANNNNDDD he said that ALL of the Quorum of the 12 AND 1st presidency will be here around the last week of June to first week in July, and he said that they are putting together a small choir to sing songs for THEM ALL...but they only selected the few that have big singing/music experience. Oh well....but i can guarantee that when they are here the spirit will be so strong it'll knock me off my feet! It's gonna be so cool!


      Tonight we have another devotional and we get to sing another beautiful song for whoever is coming. We never know until we get there. But i'll be sure to tell y'all all about it next week!


       Ua ite au e e te evanelia i te parau mau e Iesu Mesia, tamarii no te Atua. Ua here au i te Ekalesia e ua oaoa vau ia faaite i te parau poro'i i mau taata. 

       Ua here au ia outou.




"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." -Dumbledore :D


i love you all and pray for you all every day! This gospel is amazing and I love it!


Until next time :)

Much love,

Tuahine McKenzie Morrill


ps. i'll try 2 send pics...if this computer will let me :)

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