Sunday, March 20, 2016

Another Week: Crossing Rivers and Saving Souls

March 14, 2016

Hello to you all!!
This week has been great! I've felt such a relief to finally start working back in my prope secteur again!
I've been training Soeur Lasso for about 11 weeks now, WHAT, so this week is her last week of training! Time is so weird here on the mission. I really can't explain it, but it's crazy how fast time flies.
This week has been SUPER HOT! I got a few more good sunburns. I've kinda become immune to sunscreen...doesn't really help me anymore, but good news: those burns are actually turning into tans haha.
We had some really good lecons, received some famille references from membres, and recontacted ancien amis!
One of our lecons was with Arii. He's a reference from Famille TEIHO and is only 15 years old. Our lecon was about le temple, geneologie, et la famille; because why not? At the sortie du temple he asked "comment je peux entrer de dans?" The lecon was so good, and he expressed concern about his famille and how some of them seem to not be taking the right path. We explained that by him showing the good example towards his famille, little by little they will have the desire to change.
BUT the cool part: around the end of the lecon I had a distinct impression to engage him to baptism...for le 6 Avril, because another "why not?" It's Christ's birthday. I engaged him, and saw Soeur Lasso agreeing with me out of the corner of my eye. Arii asks "Pourquoi tu as choisit ce date pour moi?"...I said "J'ai eu l'impression de t'engager pour ce date la, mais c'est le vraie anniversaire de Jesus Christ aussi." On a pense ce date sera speciale pour n'importe quelle personne. MAIS Arii replies "ca c'est interessant parce que je sui ne le 6 c'est mon anniversaire aussi...." WHAAATTT!!! NO WAYYY!! GET OUT RIGHT NOW!! We literally had no idea his birthday was the 6 Avril. After that event I knew that impression was a direct revelation from Heavenly Father.
Arii didn't accpet the date just yet, but we later found out from Soeur TEIHO that he wants to get baptized, but his famille situation is really difficult. I can't get over how ready and prepared he is.
Not much else to really say in this email other than how greatful I have for this gospel. I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father and the chance I have to share this gospel with the people of Tahiti. I can't comprehend time on the mission, because doesn't exist. You get lost in the work. And when you are exhausted but know you worked hard that day...even if your plans didn't exactly work out!
Thank you all for the prayers and emails.
Don't hesitate to send letters or little care packages (sorry if the price of shipping makes you cry)

Soeur McKenzie Morrill
L'Eglise de Jesus-Christ des
Saints des Derniers Jours
B.P. 93, Mission Mormone
Cours de L'Union Sacree
Papeete 98714
French Polynesia
Doctrine and Covenants 100:1  "Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you, my friends Sidney and Joseph, your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power."
"Scriptures are like packets of light that illuminate our minds." - Elder Richard G. Scott
Ua here au ia outou!
Je vous aime!

-Tuahine/Soeur Morrill :)

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