Monday, February 8, 2016

It's really hot and its December

December 7, 2015
Ia ora na tout le monde!!
How was everyone's week? Great? I hope so!

This week was great, but OH SO SO HOT!! It was even hotter than Alabama summers!
This past Wednesday I went on a split with Soeur Lawrence ON BIKE!! I have been blessed to have my first two sectors in car, but the bike was super great even though I was way sore at the end! Soeur Anderson was sick that day so Shariatamadari and I offered to do a split so Soeur Anderson could get the car. Soeur Lawrence is still in training, so in a way I was able to help train her that day and for her to get a chance to take charge of her sector (taravao 2).
This past Thursday we found a new ami named Kawai, she's 17 years old and Adventiste but non-practiquant. She is super cute and sweet and accepted the lecons before we could even give her more of a background of why we were there. We went back the next day and told her about the story of Joseph Smith. No was started to rain all around us but none of us got wet. It was as if there was a little imaginary cirlce around us keeping us dry. She accepted to be baptized and said she would pray about her date du bapteme! Ugh...I just can't get over how much of a gold investigator she is!
Also, our good ole Frenchman amis...Jean. We had our lecon with him and all he did was try and argue why "getting baptized isn't that simple." BUT get this...the first lecon we had with him (He talks a TON btw) my comp told him "Fr. Jean lorsque tu resent le Saint-Esprit, vas tu arreter avec tous les questions et se faire baptiser?" "Fr. Jean when you feel the Spirit, will you (shut up) with all the questions and just get baptized?" ...and yes everyone my comp used the French version of "shut up" but I can't spell it haha. And Fr. Jean was like "d'accord." Well.....last week he definitely felt the spirit and he didn't deny that he felt it, but he still weaves around the concept of bapteme. He's a difficult ami, but one day him and his famille will be baptized and sealed in the temple!
Saturday! we had our first Concert de Noel pour le pieu starting in our two wards Taravao 1 and 2. it was great, though a rough start. I played the piano for some songs and so did Sr. Lawrence. It was great seeing the amis we invited come and feel the spirit of Christmas during that event!!

Y'all I just love the holidays! Seriously it's my favorite time of year! And I'm so glad I'm here in Polynesia Francaise to share Christ's message!! IT'S JUST SO GREAT!!
I hope y'all are having a great time with famille and friends and not dying from final exams!
Ua here au ia outou!
-Soeur McKenzie Morrill out!
p.s. y'all should watch the church's Christmas Devotional (if you haven't already like me) I'm pretty sure it was awesome! Correct me if I'm wrong but you can probs find it on OR

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